Betta Fish Laying on its Side: A Sign of Sickness or Just a Quirk? (2025)

Betta fish are fascinating creatures! They’re popular for aquarium pets because of their stunning colors, interesting personalities, and low maintenance. However, if you’re an owner, you may have noticed your betta fish laying on its side at the bottom of the Tank or even swimming sideways.

Don’t worry; we’re here to provide all the information you need to ensure your beloved Betta stays healthy and happy! In this blog post, we’ll explore the potential causes of betta fish laying on its side, whether it’s a quirk or a sign of sickness. Plus, we’ll give you some great tips on preventing issues and keeping your betta fish in top shape. So, let’s dive in and learn more!

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Introduction: Why is my betta fish laying on its side

The curious nature of Betta fish are remarkable creatures that bring life and color to any aquarium. They are active and curious, constantly swimming around their Tank and exploring their surroundings.

Introduction Why is my betta fish laying on its side

So, seeing your betta fish laying on its side can be alarming. It’s important to note that bettas are not naturally inclined to lay on their sides, and this behavior could be a sign that something is amiss.

The importance of monitoring Betta fish behavior

Keeping a close eye on your betta fish is crucial in ensuring their overall well-being. These beautiful creatures cannot verbally express their needs, so paying attention to their behavior is essential.

The importance of monitoring Betta fish behavior

If you notice any sudden changes, such as your betta fish laying on its side or not moving, it could be a sign of an underlying health issue. Regular observation of your betta fish is an easy and effective way to catch any potential problems early on and take action accordingly.

Common Betta Fish Behaviors

Swimming at the Top of the Tank

Swimming at the top of the Tank:

This is thanks to their labyrinth organ, which allows them to take oxygen from the air. If you notice your betta fish spending a lot of time swimming at the top of the Tank, it could be a sign that something is wrong. Poor water quality or high temperatures can be the culprits behind this behavior, so monitoring your betta fish regularly and ensuring the environment is optimal for their well-being is crucial.

Flaring their Gills and Fins

Flaring their Gills and Fins:

Betta fish are beautiful and fascinating to watch, especially when they display their unique behaviors. Flaring their fins and gills is one of the many displays betta fish do to intimidate other fish or attract a mate. It’s completely normal and healthy behavior, but it’s important to note that excessive flaring may be a sign of stress or aggression.

Nipping at fins or other fish

Nipping at Fins or Other fish:

Betta fish are natural predators and can be pretty territorial, often nipping at the fins of other fish in their Tank. This is a common behavior and is normal as long as it doesn’t cause injury to the other fish. It’s important to watch your betta fish and ensure they’re not overdoing it with their nipping behavior. If your betta fish constantly nips at other fish or causes injury, it may indicate aggression or overcrowding in the Tank.

Laying on their side

Laying on their side:

Betta fish are known for their active and energetic behavior, so if you notice your fish lying on its side at the bottom of the Tank, it’s definitely a cause for concern. This unusual behavior often indicates that something isn’t quite right with your fish. There could be a variety of underlying causes, from poor water quality to serious health issues. As responsible betta fish owners, we must recognize when our fish are not behaving normally and promptly remedy the situation.

Why is my Betta fish swimming sideways?

  • Normal Behavior:

Understanding your betta fish’s behavior is essential for their overall health and well-being. While betta fish swimming sideways may not always be a cause for concern, monitoring their behavior closely is vital. If you’ve had your betta fish for some time, you may be able to distinguish between normal and abnormal behavior.

Normal Behavior

For instance, betta fish may swim sideways when they’re exploring or trying to scratch an itch, but if they continue to swim this way for an extended period, it may be a sign of stress or illness.

  • Indications of Stress or illness:

If you notice your Betta fish swimming sideways or laying on its side for an extended period, it may be a sign of stress or illness. Poor water quality, overcrowding in the Tank, inadequate diet, or improper tank conditions can all contribute to stress.

Indications of Stress or illness

In addition to sideways swimming, other symptoms to watch out for include lethargy, loss of appetite, or discoloration of the fish’s body.

How to Address Betta Fish Laying on its Side

  • Addressing Betta Laying on Side:

Monitor behavior closely

Observing your betta fish’s behavior is crucial to ensure their well-being, especially when you notice them laying on their side. Make sure to closely monitor their actions and keep an eye out for any other symptoms of stress or illness, such as a lack of appetite or unusual body discoloration.

Monitor behavior closely

Suppose the betta fish continues to lay on its side for an extended period of time or displays other concerning behaviors. In that case, it may be necessary to take action to address the issue.

Check water quality and make necessary changes

It’s essential to maintain good water quality in their Tank. Poor water quality can cause betta fish stress and illness, leading to behaviors like laying at the bottom of the Tank or lying on their side. To prevent this, test the water regularly to ensure it’s within the appropriate range for betta fish.

Check water quality and make necessary changes

If the water quality is not up to par, consider doing a water change and adjusting the pH or temperature as needed. By caring for your betta fish’s environment, you can help them thrive in their Tank.

Adjust feeding habits

It’s important to understand the impact of feeding on your betta fish’s well-being. Overfeeding is a common mistake many new betta fish owners make, which can lead to stress and illness.

Adjust Feeding Habits

To avoid this, make sure you’re feeding your fish the right amount of food each day and not overdoing it on the treats. A varied diet, including pellet and live or frozen food, can also help keep your betta fish healthy and thriving.

Provide Enrichment and Stimulation

It’s important to note that providing mental stimulation and enrichment is critical to keeping your betta fish happy and healthy.

Provide Enrichment and Stimulation

These intelligent and curious creatures need opportunities to explore and play, and toys, plants, or other decorations in the Tank can do just that.

Physical Symptoms of Betta Fish Sickness

Fin rot:

Fin rot

This bacterial infection can wreak havoc on your beautiful Betta’s fins and tail, causing them to fray and deteriorate. If you notice your fish betta fish laying on its side at the bottom of the Tank or on their side, lethargic and uninterested, it could be a sign of fin rot. Fortunately, with prompt action and treatment, your Betta can recover from this infection and avoid serious harm. Please address this condition and ensure your beloved pet’s long and healthy life.

Swim Bladder Disorder:

Swim Bladder Disorder

If you notice your betta fish laying on its side at the bottom of the Tank, unable to swim correctly, or floating to the top or bottom of the Tank, swim bladder disorder may be the reason. This condition is common in betta fish and can be caused by various factors, such as overfeeding, constipation, or bacterial infection. The swim bladder, which controls the fish’s buoyancy, becomes damaged or infected, making it difficult for the fish to swim normally. It’s important to monitor your betta fish’s behavior and seek treatment if you suspect they suffer from swim bladder disorder.



Ich, also known as white spot disease, may be the culprit. This parasitic infection is common in aquarium fish and can make your Betta feel lethargic and lose its appetite. If left untreated, the fish may even start laying at the bottom of the Tank and can cause your betta fish laying on its side. It’s important to take action as soon as possible to prevent the spread of the disease and ensure the health of your Betta.



Dropsy is a severe condition that can affect the health and well-being of your beloved betta fish. It is caused by kidney failure, which leads to a buildup of fluid in the fish’s body. One of the most noticeable symptoms of dropsy is a bloated appearance and a pinecone-like appearance of the scales. You may also notice your Betta laying on its side at the bottom of the Tank and having difficulty swimming. Act quickly if you suspect your fish is suffering from dropsy, as it can be fatal if left untreated.

Other Signs of Betta Fish Illness

  • Loss of appetite

    If your betta fish suddenly loses its appetite or stops eating altogether, it may indicate an underlying health issue. There are several potential causes for loss of appetite in betta fish, including bacterial or fungal infections, parasites, or poor water quality. It’s crucial to address the issue promptly, as lack of nutrition can lead to lethargy, weight loss, and even Betta fish floating or laying on their side at the bottom of the Tank. If you notice your betta fish is not eating, observe its behavior closely to identify any other potential symptoms of illness.

  • Discoloration or spots

    Bettas are known to be beautiful and colorful. However, noticing any discoloration or spots on your Betta could be a sign of illness. Don’t panic! The good news is that there are steps you can take to help your fish recover. These symptoms could be caused by bacterial or fungal infections, parasites, or other underlying health conditions. If left untreated, the discoloration or spots can spread, and your Betta might start laying on its side at the bottom of the Tank or may even stop moving. So it’s essential to take action as soon as you notice any changes in your fish’s appearance.

  • Difficulty swimming or staying upright

    Notice that your betta fish has trouble swimming or staying upright in the water. It may indicate a swim bladder disorder or another underlying health condition, such as a bacterial infection or parasitic infestation. As we discussed earlier, swim bladder disorder can cause your betta fish to float to the top or bottom of the Tank or even lay on their side at the bottom. If your betta fish is not swimming or laying on its side, it is vital to address the issue promptly to ensure the best chance of a full recovery.

Factors That May Contribute to Betta Fish Laying on its Side

  • Factors to Consider:
Factors That May Contribute to Betta Fish Laying on Side

Poor water quality:

  • If you want to keep your betta fish healthy and happy, paying attention to their water conditions is important. Poor water quality, including changes in temperature, pH levels, and chemical imbalances, can lead to stress, illness, and even fish lying on their side.
  • A lack of water flow and filtration can also contribute to poor water quality. Test the water regularly and make any necessary adjustments to maintain a clean and healthy environment for your betta fish.


  • If you notice your betta fish laying on its side and not eating, overfeeding may be the culprit. While it’s important to feed your betta fish regularly, excess food can lead to digestive issues and swim bladder disorder, which can make it difficult for them to swim or stay upright.
  • In severe cases, the fish may even start laying on their side at the bottom of the Tank. To prevent overfeeding and ensure your fish’s health, monitoring their feeding habits and providing only the recommended amount of food is essential.

Lack of stimulation or enrichment:

  • Betta fish are fascinating and active tropical fish that need mental stimulation to keep them happy and healthy. If your fish seems uninterested or unchallenged, it may become bored or stressed and even end up lying on its side at the bottom of the Tank.
  • To prevent this, provide your Betta with a diverse and enriching environment with toys, hiding places, and plants. This will help your fish stay active and alert, reducing the chances of it becoming lethargic or laying on its side.

When to Seek Professional Help for Betta Fish Illness

Signs that a veterinarian may be needed

If you’re seeing your betta fish displaying signs of illness, such as loss of appetite or unusual behavior such as your betta fish laying on its side, don’t despair! There are plenty of reasons why a betta fish may experience health problems, from bacterial or fungal infections to parasitic infestations.

If your fish is lying on its side and not responding to changes in water quality or feeding habits, it may be time to seek professional help. A qualified veterinarian can examine your fish and provide the appropriate treatment, whether it’s medication or a change in diet or environment. 

How to find a qualified veterinarian for Betta fish

Betta fish shows signs of illness, such as laying on its side; seeking professional help from a qualified veterinarian is crucial. It’s important to find a veterinarian with experience in fish care, which can be done by asking for recommendations from local pet stores or aquariums or searching online for specialized veterinary practices. When choosing a veterinarian, inquire about their experience and training in fish care and their availability for emergencies. With the help of a qualified professional, you can ensure your betta fish receives the appropriate treatment and care.

Preventative Measures for Betta Fish Health

Proper Tank Setup and Maintenance

  • Tank & Maintenance:

As you know, betta fish need a clean and comfortable tank to stay healthy and happy. To ensure your Betta’s health, you can follow these tips to create a proper tank setup and maintenance routine:

  • Tank Size:

    Contrary to popular belief, betta fish cannot thrive in small bowls or vases. Instead, they need a tank with a minimum size of 2.5 gallons, ideally, 5-10 gallons, to swim and explore. Providing your betta fish with a suitable tank sets the foundation for their overall well-being.

  • Filtration System:

    The filtration system plays a vital role in keeping the aquarium water clean and clear of debris. To ensure optimal water flow, it’s recommended to have a filter that can circulate the entire tank volume at least three times per hour. A properly functioning filtration system can create a healthy environment for your betta fish and promote their overall well-being.

  • Water Temperature:

    Maintaining the proper water temperature is essential for the health and happiness of your betta fish. These tropical fish thrive in temperatures between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit, so using a high-quality aquarium heater and a thermometer is important to ensure the water stays within this range. Fluctuations in water temperature can stress your Betta and make them more susceptible to illness.

  • Water Quality:

    Maintaining good water quality is essential for the health of your betta fish. To ensure that your fish lives in a clean and healthy environment, it’s crucial to regularly test the water for pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. The optimal pH range for betta fish is between 6.5 and 7.5; ammonia and nitrite levels should always be at 0 ppm. It’s also recommended to perform routine water changes to remove built-up waste and maintain ideal water conditions.

A Balanced Diet

  • Betta fish are beautiful and vibrant creatures that need a proper and balanced diet to thrive. A protein-rich diet is necessary to ensure your fish gets the nutrition it needs. The ideal diet includes high-quality betta fish pellets, live or frozen foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms, and occasional treats like daphnia or mosquito larvae. Overfeeding should be avoided at all costs, as it can cause serious health issues such as constipation, obesity, and swim bladder disorder.

Avoiding overcrowding in the Tank

  • Overcrowding is one of the common causes of stress and illness in betta fish. Therefore, it’s crucial to avoid keeping multiple betta fish in the same Tank, as they are territorial and will become aggressive toward each other. Additionally, other fish and aquatic animals should be compatible with betta fish, and their stocking level should not exceed the recommended limit for the tank size.


It’s crucial to monitor their behavior closely and take appropriate measures if needed. Betta fish are naturally inquisitive, but if they display unusual behavior, it could indicate illness or stress. Maintaining a healthy tank environment, providing a balanced diet, and offering plenty of stimulation and enrichment to promote their well-being are vital.

You can take several steps to help your fish return to its normal behavior, if you noticed your betta fish laying on its side. First, check the water quality regularly and make adjustments as necessary to ensure the environment is healthy and stress-free. Next, examine your feeding habits and ensure you’re providing a balanced diet with the right amount of food.

Betta fish are also curious creatures, and providing enrichment and stimulation can help keep them engaged and active. It’s also important to be vigilant of physical symptoms, other signs of Betta fish illness, and factors that may contribute to their behavior.

For more data on betta fish, be sure to explore our website. We’ve got reviews, top-ranking lists of products, tips on correctly asking questions, and other related articles.


Why does betta fish lay on the side?

One possible reason for a betta fish laying on its side is poor water conditions, which can lead to stress and illness. Bettas are sensitive to changes in water quality, and if the water becomes contaminated with toxins or pollutants, they may become sick and lay on the bottom of your Tank.

Another reason why a betta fish may lay on its side is due to swim bladder disorder, which affects their ability to maintain buoyancy in the water. This can be caused by overfeeding, constipation, or other health issues. In such cases, your Betta may need special care and attention to recover.

While there may be other reasons why a betta fish lays on its side, the most important thing is to act quickly to identify the root cause of the problem and take appropriate action. This includes maintaining a healthy and clean tank environment, feeding your Betta a balanced diet, and providing enrichment and stimulation.

Why is my fish laying on its side and not moving?

Seeing a betta fish lying on its side and not moving can be a sign of a sick betta. There are various reasons why your Betta might be displaying this behavior. One of the most common reasons is poor tank water quality. High levels of ammonia, nitrites, or nitrates can harm your Betta’s health, cause it to become lethargic, and lay on the bottom of your Tank.

Another reason why your betta fish is laying on its side could be due to swim bladder disorder. This is a common condition among betta fish, affecting their buoyancy ability. The swim bladder is a gas-filled organ that helps the fish control its position in the water. If the swim bladder is damaged or infected, it can cause your Betta to lay on its side.

Lastly, if you see a betta fish laying on its side and not moving, it could be a sign of stress. Stress in betta fish can be caused by various factors, including improper tank setup, overcrowding, and sudden changes in water temperature or chemistry.

To determine why your betta fish is laying on its side and not moving, it’s important to closely monitor their behavior and tank conditions. Check the tank water for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels, and ensure that the Tank is properly cycled and maintained.

Betta fish laying on its side after water change?

If your male betta fish is lying on its side after a water change, it could be due to the stress caused by the sudden change in their environment. However, there could be other reasons your betta fish is laying on its side after a water change, such as illness or poor water quality. It’s important to ensure that your tank water is clean and toxins-free by performing regular water changes. 

Additionally, ensure the new water is at the same temperature as the old water to avoid shocking your Betta. Older fish may be more susceptible to stress and health issues, so monitoring their behavior closely is important. If you recently added new fish to the Tank, your Betta may also be stressed or territorial, causing them to lay at the bottom of the Tank or the surface of the water. If you see a betta fish lying on the side, it’s crucial to identify why your Betta behaves this way and take appropriate action to ensure a healthy betta.

Betta fish lying on the side at the bottom of the Tank?

Betta fish are known for their curious and active nature, so if you see your betta fish laying on its side at the bottom of the Tank, it may be a cause for concern. This behavior may indicate that your fish is sick or stressed, as a healthy betta fish typically swim around and explore their environment. However, it’s important to note that sometimes betta fish will lay on the bottom of the Tank for short periods of time, mainly if they are sleeping or resting.

If you notice that your betta fish is consistently lying on its side at the bottom of the Tank, it may be a sign that your fish is sick. Common reasons for this behavior include poor water quality, swim bladder issues, and infections. To ensure that your betta fish is healthy and comfortable, it’s important to regularly monitor the Tank’s water quality and perform regular water changes. Additionally, only adding new fish to the Tank slowly can stress out older fish and lead to health issues.

Betta fish laying on its side, not eating?

Seeing your betta fish laying on its side and not eating can be concerning. Here are some possible reasons and solutions:

1. Sick betta fish: Your betta fish may be ill, which can cause them to lay on their side and lose their appetite. Check the water parameters to ensure they are within the appropriate range, and conduct regular water changes to maintain good water quality. You may also want to add aquarium salt to the Tank to help reduce stress and promote healing. If the symptoms persist, consider consulting with a veterinarian specializing in fish health.

2. Swim bladder disease: This is a common condition in betta fish and can cause difficulty swimming and maintaining their balance. Symptoms include laying on their side at the bottom of the Tank and being unable to eat. You can fasten your betta fish for a few days and then feed them small, frequent meals of high-quality food. You may also want to adjust their feeding habits by soaking the food before providing or reducing the amount of food given at one time.

3. Lack of oxygen: Your betta fish may be gasping for air, which can cause them to lay on their side and not eat. Ensure that your aquarium has enough surface area for oxygen exchange, and consider adding an air stone or increasing water flow. You can also check the water’s temperature to ensure it is within the appropriate range for betta fish.

4. Stress: Many fish in the Tank or introducing a new fish can cause stress to your betta fish, leading to them lying on their side and not eating. Avoid overstocking your Tank and provide hiding spots and plants to help reduce stress. You may also want to isolate your betta fish in a separate tank until they show signs of recovery.

In summary, betta fish lying on their side and not eating can indicate that your fish is sick or experiencing other issues. It’s essential to take action quickly to identify the cause and provide the appropriate treatment. Regular water changes, proper feeding

Betta fish laying on its side but not dead?

If you notice your betta fish laying on its side, you may become concerned about its health. However, this behavior does not necessarily mean that your fish is dead.

Betta fish may lay on their side for several reasons, including illness or stress, swim bladder disorder, or even a quirk of their behavior. It is important to ensure that your betta fish receives proper care, such as regular tank maintenance, a balanced diet, and a suitable setup

Additionally, providing enrichment and stimulation for your Betta can help promote its overall health and well-being. If you are still determining why your betta fish is lying on its side, it is always best to consult a veterinarian or professional.

Why is my betta fish on its side but still alive?

If you have a Betta fish lying on its side but still alive, there could be several reasons for this behavior. Here are some possible explanations:

1. Tank parameters: Poor water quality, incorrect water temperature, or lack of oxygen can all contribute to a Betta fish lying on its side. It is essential to maintain proper tank parameters to ensure your fish’s health.

2. Swim bladder disorder is a common ailment in Betta fish and can cause difficulty swimming and floating on one side. Swim bladder disorder can be caused by overfeeding or constipation, among other factors.

3. Stress: is another common reason Betta fish may lie on their sides. A stressful environment or a sudden change in the tank environment can lead to this behavior.

4. Injury or illness: If your Betta fish has an injury or is sick, it may lay on its side due to weakness or discomfort.

5. Age: An older Betta fish may be less active and spend more time lying at the bottom of the Tank.

If your Betta fish is lying on its side but is still alive, it is important to identify the underlying cause of this behavior to ensure that your fish remains healthy. Check your tank parameters, monitor your fish’s behavior, and consult with a veterinarian or experienced fish keeper if necessary. Remember, it is not normal for a Betta fish to lay on its side, so promptly addressing the issue is crucial to your fish’s well-being.

Why is my fish upside down but still alive?

Seeing a Betta fish upside down can be concerning, but it doesn’t always mean the fish is dead. Siamese fighting fish lie on their sides or upside down briefly, which is normal behavior.

However, if your Betta fish is upside down for an extended period, it could be a sign of swim bladder disorder, which affects their buoyancy. The disorder can be caused by overfeeding or constipation, so ensuring your Betta fish is adequately fed is essential.

Other signs of your Betta fish having swim bladder disorder include difficulty swimming and losing appetite. If you notice any of these signs, consult a veterinarian or fish expert to ensure your Betta fish stays healthy.

How do you help a betta fish suffering?

If you notice that your Betta fish is suffering, there are steps you can take to try and help them. The first step is to identify the cause of their suffering, which may include issues with water quality, tank size or temperature, or illness.

If your Betta fish is not swimming or sitting on the bottom of the Tank, it could be a sign of illness or poor water conditions. You can perform a partial water change and ensure the Tank is clean and well-maintained. If the fish suffers from a bacterial or fungal infection, you can use a medication designed explicitly for Betta fish.

Additionally, a balanced diet and avoiding overfeeding can help prevent health issues. It’s also important to avoid direct hits to your fish and ensure that they are not housed with aggressive tank mates, mainly other male Betta fish. Remember, even a sick Betta can recover with proper care and attention.

How do you save fish laying on the side?

When you find your betta fish laying on its side, the first thing you should do is assess the situation. The steps you should take will differ depending on whether your fish is still alive. If your betta fish is alive but not moving, it may be a sign of sickness.

Check the tank water parameters and ensure they are within the optimal range. Adding plants or decorations to the Tank can also provide some stimulation. If your betta fish is alive but gasping for air, ensure the oxygen level is sufficient, and the water temperature is stable. 

However, if your betta fish is not moving and appears dead, it may be too late to save it. Regular tank maintenance and monitoring of your Betta’s health can help prevent this situation.


Dr. Scott M.

Senior Editor at

Hi there! I’m Dr. Scott, and I’m a dedicated writer for FishyFishPet, an online resource aimed at helping fish pet owners of all levels understand how to care for their beloved underwater buddies. We offer something for everyone, whether you’re a beginner fish owner or a seasoned aquarist wanting to expand your knowledge. On our site, you can find an abundance of data on topics such as choosing the right species of fish and creating an awesome and successful tank environment. Thanks for visiting us – and we hope you found what you needed.

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