Betta Fish Eggs: A Comprehensive Guide (2025)

If you want to learn about betta fish eggs and their appearance, then you have arrived at the perfect spot! This thorough guide will give you all the necessary information regarding betta fish eggs – from discovering if they are fertilized to understanding the hatching process. Please keep reading to get more information about betta fish eggs and how to look after them.

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Introduction – What are Betta Fish Eggs, and What Do They Look Like?

  • Betta Fish

Betta fish eggs look like tiny, round, and transparent balls. They are generally nearly 1.5mm in diameter and usually attach to a flat surface, like a leaf or a plant stem. Betta fish are also referred to as Siamese fighting fish and are indigenous to Southeast Asia’s shallow, warm waters.

Betta Fish Egg
Betta Fish Egg

Betta fish eggs have a gluey consistency, which helps them stay in place on the breeding ground. This stickiness makes it challenging for the eggs to become unstuck and drift away. As soon as the male Betta has fertilized the eggs, they will hatch into fry (baby fish) in about 24-48 hours.

It is worth noting that Betta fish are not the best parents, and it is usually recommended that the eggs and fry be taken out of the breeding tank and put into a separate, well-aerated tank with clean water to guarantee their safety.

How Do Betta Fish Lay Eggs?

  • Betta Fish

When Betta fish are ready to reproduce, the process of spawning begins. To attract a mate, the male will flare his fins and show off his brilliant colors, while the female may adjust her hues and swim in a circular motion. After the couple has formed a connection, the female will lay eggs on a flat surface, such as a leaf or stem, once the male bettas built bubble nests. The male then fertilizes the eggs by releasing his sperm over them, and the female collects them in her mouth also known as mouthbrooding betta fish and, returning them to the breeding surface until she has finished laying her eggs. 

Betta Fish Lay Eggs
Betta Fish Lay Eggs

It is essential to remember that Betta fish are not the most nurturing parents, and they may even consume their own eggs or fry if they feel anxious or vulnerable. For this reason, it is usually suggested to take the eggs and fry out of the breeding tank and place them in a separate, well-aerated aquarium with clean water.

How To Tell If Betta Eggs Are Fertilized

It can be challenging to tell if Betta fish eggs have been successfully fertilized just by observation alone. Luckily, there are a handful of signs that may point to successful fertilization

Betta Fish Egg
Betta Fish Egg
  • Opacity 🐠

    You can usually tell the difference between fertilized and unfertilized eggs based on their opacity – fertilized eggs tend to be more opaque, while unfertilized eggs are more transparent.

  • Spotting 🐠

    If you look closely, you should be able to discern a tiny black dot in the center of the egg – that would be the embryo in the process of developing.

  • Hatching 🐠

    After the eggs have been incubated for a period of 24-48 hours, if they transform into fry, it is a positive sign that they were successfully fertilized by male betta fish.

It’s essential to remember that not all Betta fish eggs will hatch, even if they are fertilized. This could be because of several things, like poor water quality, high nitrate levels, or low temperatures. 

If you are still determining if your Betta fish eggs are fertilized, it’s more advisable to take them out of the breeding tank and place them into a different, well-aerated tank with fresh water. This will help to secure their survival and give you a greater opportunity to watch their growth.

How Many Eggs Do Betta Fish Lay?

  • Betta Fish

The amount of Betta fish laying eggs can vary, but it’s not unusual for a female to produce between 20 to 100 eggs in a single session. The precise number of eggs will depend on the female’s size and the breeding tank’s conditions.

Betta Fish Egg
Betta Fish Egg

It’s worth noting that not all Betta fish eggs will hatch, even if they are fertilized. This could be because of a few different factors, such as poor water quality, high nitrate levels, or low temperatures. The survival rate of the Betta fry can also be affected by the presence of other fish in the tank and the care given by the owner.

If you are interested in breeding Betta fish, giving them an environment that will help with healthy spawning and fry development is essential. This includes managing the water conditions correctly, providing plenty of hiding places and live plants, and making sure the breeding tank has excellent aeration.

How Long Does it Take For Betta Eggs to Hatch?

  • Betta Fish

After the eggs of Betta fish have been fertilized, the general hatching time is within 24 to 48 hours. The length of time the eggs take to hatch can be affected by the temperature, water quality, and the presence of any unfavorable conditions, such as high nitrate levels or low oxygen. 

As the embryos grow, the eggs begin to darken. After some time, the embryos will break out of their shells and come out as tiny, wriggling fry.

Betta Fish Egg
Betta Fish Egg

It is important to make sure that the environment is suitable for the Betta fry when they have hatched. This includes ensuring the water is clean and aerated, there are plenty of places to hide, live plants are present, and the tank is free of any predators or potential hazards.

By giving adequate care and attention, you can help make sure that your Betta fry will grow into beautiful and healthy adult Betta fish.

What is The Eggs Hatching Process Like?

  • Betta Fish

The hatching of Betta fish eggs usually takes 24 and 48 hours after fertilizing them. During that time, the eggs will darken as the embryos inside mature. Once the embryos are fully grown, they’ll emerge from their shells as tiny, wriggling fry. These fry will then move about the water, looking for food and safe spots to hide.

Betta Fish Egg
Betta Fish Egg

It’s important to provide suitable conditions for the Betta fry during the hatching and afterward. This includes keeping clean, well-aerated water, supplying lots of hideaways and live plants, and ensuring the tank is free from predatory fish or other risks.

By supplying proper attention and care, you can make sure that your Betta fry will grow into healthy, vivid adult Betta fish. It’s also wise to give them a varied diet, including small live or frozen foods, to help encourage healthy growth and development.

How To Care For Betta Fish Eggs

Betta Fish Egg

Both male and female bettas ensure that Betta fish eggs have successful hatching and their fry gets the necessary development necessitates providing the proper care and focus. Therefore, here are some valuable guidelines for taking care of Betta fish eggs:

  • Maintain Clean Water 🐠

    Keeping the water clean and well-oxygenated in the breeding tank is paramount for the successful growth of the eggs. Additionally, it is important to regularly change the water to ensure its quality is on point.

  • Provide Plenty Of Hiding Places 🐠

    The tank must be equipped with plenty of secluded spots and vegetation for the fry to hide in, as they are pretty fragile and need to be guarded against other fish and any potential risks.

  • Control Temperature 🐠

    Temperature regulation is essential for successful egg incubation and fry growth. We recommend maintaining the water temperature between 78-82°F (25-28°C) to ensure optimal conditions.

  • Avoid Feeding The Fry For The First Few Days 🐠

    For the initial days, it’s best to hold off on feeding the fry: After hatching, Betta fry can rely on their yolk sac to sustain them. When the yolk sac is gone, you can give them tiny amounts of newly hatched brine shrimp, micro worms, or other small live or frozen foods.

  • Isolate The Fry 🐠

    To increase their chances of making it, it’s wise to take the fry out of the breeding tank and place them in a separate tank with good aeration and fresh water. This way, you’ll be able to keep an eye on them and ensure their thriving.

It is important to adhere to these guidelines if you want your Betta fish eggs to hatch and the fry to mature into strong adult Bettas. Investigating the exact needs of this species of fish is also beneficial so that you can provide them with the most appropriate care.

How To Tell If Your Female Betta Fish Is Ready to Lay Eggs

If you own a female Betta fish, there are a few clues that she may be preparing to spawn. Here are a few of the most frequent signs that suggest she’s ready

Betta Fish Egg
Betta Fish Egg
  • Changes in Behavior 🐠

    When a female Betta is ready to spawn, her behavior may transform. She may become more animated, displaying courtship activities such as flaring her gills, swimming in circles, and showing off her fins in the presence of a male.

  • Physical Changes 🐠

    If a female Betta is about to lay eggs, her body may take on a more round and swollen form, affectionately referred to as “egg spotting.” This is due to the eggs that are growing inside of her.

  • Changes in The Environment 🐠

    The environment can experience alterations – a female Betta could deposit her eggs on a flat item like foliage or a spawning mop. Before laying her eggs, she could start constructing a nest by using her mouth to transfer bubbles to the top of the water.

To ensure a successful breeding experience for Betta fish, it is essential to create a suitable environment. This should include a tank with the correct water parameters, various hiding places, and live plants. By carefully keeping an eye on the female Betta’s behavior and condition, you can tell when she is ready to lay eggs and provide her with the perfect conditions.

What To Do With Unfertilized Betta Eggs

If your Betta fish eggs have not been fertilized, they will usually become white or translucent and won’t hatch. You can do several things with these unfertilized eggs should you find them in your breeding tank.

Betta Fish Egg
Betta Fish Egg
  • Please Leave Them In The Tank 🐠

    It’s okay to let the unfertilized Betta eggs stay in the aquarium; they will not adversely affect the other fish and will ultimately vanish.

  • Remove Them Manually 🐠

    If you’d instead take a more hands-on approach, you can use a brush with soft bristles or your own digits to take out the unfertilized eggs from the aquarium.

  • Increase The Water Flow 🐠

    By boosting the water’s current in the tank, it will be easier to remove the unfertilized eggs from the breeding surface.

No matter which route you choose, keeping the water conditions in the breeding aquarium optimal for the other occupants is essential. If you are still trying to get your Betta to breed, it could be beneficial to do some research on the particular needs of these fish when it comes to breeding and consult a knowledgeable aquarist or pet store attendant. With the appropriate care and attention, you can help ensure that your Betta lays healthy and viable eggs and that the fry turns into strong adult Bettas.


We trust that this thorough guide has assisted you in gaining more insight into betta fish eggs and what they resemble. We’ve gone into detail about everything from determining if they are fertilized to how to take care of them. 

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any further queries about betta fish eggs or betta fish in general! Please hop over to Our Website for more fish-keeping articles, including product evaluations, highest-ranked lists, how-to instructions, and other related articles.


When Do Betta Fish Eggs Hatch After Breeding Your Betta Fish?

If you’ve recently decided to breed your betta fish, you may be wondering when the eggs will hatch. After all, once your betta fish have bred and laid eggs, you’ll want to know when you can start to expect the arrival of the baby bettas.

The timing of the hatching of betta fish eggs depends on a few different factors, including the temperature of the water that the eggs are laid in. Generally, betta fish eggs will hatch anywhere from 24-72 hours after they are laid.

However, if the water temperature is higher than 80°F, the eggs will hatch more quickly – usually within 24 hours. On the other hand, if the water temperature is lower than 80°F, it could take up to 72 hours for the eggs to hatch.

It’s also important to note that it’s best to remove the male betta from the tank after breeding has taken place. Otherwise, he may become aggressive and try to eat any eggs that have been laid.

So, to answer your question – when do betta fish eggs hatch after breeding? The answer is usually 24-72 hours after they are laid, depending on the temperature of the water that they are in.

How do Betta fish protect the eggs in their mouth?

Betta fish have an interesting way of protecting their eggs. When they lay them, they will actually pick them up in their mouths and carry them around. This helps to keep the eggs safe from predators and other dangers.

Once the eggs have been laid, the Betta will usually carry them around in their mouths for several days. During this time, they’ll be constantly moving around and making sure that the eggs stay safe. They also use their fins to fan the eggs and make sure they’re getting enough oxygen.

Once the eggs hatch, the Betta will either let them go or keep them in their mouths for a few more days until they are strong enough to survive on their own. This helps ensure that none of the eggs are attacked by predators or washed away in a current.

Can Male and Female Betta Lay Healthy Eggs?

Yes, male and female betta can lay healthy eggs. Betta fish, or Siamese fighting fish, are a type of freshwater fish native to Southeast Asia. They are known for their bright colors and aggressive behavior. In the wild, they are known to be territorial and will fight with other bettas if they come too close.

When it comes to breeding, male and female bettas can lay healthy eggs. To do so, they need to be at least 6 months old, in good health, and in a healthy environment. The male betta will build a bubble nest before spawning and the female will lay her eggs there. The male will then fertilize them and both parents will guard the eggs until they hatch.

To encourage breeding, it is important to provide the betta fish with a clean environment, adequate nutrition and plenty of hiding places. The temperature of the water should also be kept at a steady 26-28 degrees Celsius for breeding to be successful.

It is important to note that betta fish are very sensitive creatures and can become stressed if kept in unsuitable conditions or housed with other aggressive fish. Therefore, it is important to provide them with a suitable home before attempting to breed them.

What to do with unfertilized Betta fish eggs?

If you have unfertilized Betta fish eggs, there are several things you can do. First, it’s important to know that most Betta fish eggs are not fertilized, so don’t be alarmed if you find some in your tank.

The first thing you can do is to remove the eggs from the tank. This is important because the eggs can attract fungus and bacteria, which can be harmful to your fish. You can use a small net to gently scoop them out of the tank and discard them.

Another option is to leave the eggs in the tank. If the eggs are not fertilized, they will eventually dry out and disappear. This might take some time, but it’s a viable option if you don’t want to manually remove the eggs.

Finally, you can try to fertilize the eggs yourself. This is not recommended unless you are an experienced aquarist, as it can be difficult to successfully fertilize Betta fish eggs.

No matter which option you choose, it’s important to keep in mind that Betta fish eggs are delicate and require proper care and attention. If you’re unsure about what to do, it’s best to seek advice from an experienced aquarist or your local pet store.

Can Female Bettas lay eggs without a Male?

Yes, female Bettas can lay eggs without a male! This is known as a process called “parthenogenesis,” which is a form of asexual reproduction. In this process, the female Betta produces eggs that are clones of herself, meaning they contain only her genetic material. Female Bettas can produce anywhere from a few dozen to several hundred eggs in a single spawning event.

The eggs will be laid either in a bubblenest or on the surface of plants and other structures in the tank, depending on the type of Betta. The eggs then take about three days to hatch and the fry will be ready to swim freely in about a week.

If you are keeping female Bettas and you don’t have any males, you may have to remove the eggs if you don’t want them to hatch and subsequent fry to survive. If you do choose to keep some of the fry, they should be separated from the parent female as soon as they are free swimming and placed in their own tank to ensure they get enough food and don’t get eaten by their mother.

So while it is possible for female Bettas to lay eggs without a male, it’s important to consider the implications of this before allowing it to happen.

Will Mouthbrooder Betta Fish Eat the Eggs?

Mouthbrooder betta fish, or Betta splendens, are a type of fish that are native to Thailand and other parts of Southeast Asia. These fish are known for their bright colors and interesting behavior. One thing that makes them different from other types of betta fish is that they have the ability to “mouthbrood”, which means they can carry their own eggs in their mouths until they hatch.

So, the question is – will mouthbrooder betta fish eat their own eggs? The answer is no – in fact, they will go to great lengths to protect their eggs! Mouthbrooder betta fish will vigorously guard their nests and will actively chase away any predators that come near. They will also carefully move their eggs from one spot to another if they feel there is a better place for them.

Once the eggs hatch, the male mouthbrooder will also stay with them and protect them until they are big enough to fend for themselves. This shows just how dedicated these fish are to their offspring, and how much they are willing to sacrifice for the safety of their young.

So, while mouthbrooder betta fish will not eat their own eggs, they will certainly go out of their way to ensure that their eggs are safe and secure until they hatch.

Do Bettas lay between 30 and 100 Eggs and Higher?

Yes, Bettas can lay between 30 and 100 eggs and higher. The number of eggs depends on the size and age of the female betta as well as on the environmental conditions in which they are kept.

Female bettas can lay up to 100 eggs, but this is not common. Most will lay between 30 and 60 eggs. The amount of eggs that a female betta will lay can also depend on the size of her body. If she is larger, then she may be able to lay more eggs than a smaller female.

In addition to size and age, the environmental conditions in which your betta is kept can also have an impact on the amount of eggs she will lay. If the water quality is poor, she may not be able to lay as many eggs or the eggs may be of lower quality. It’s important to maintain a healthy environment for your betta if you want her to lay a healthy clutch of eggs.

If you want to increase the chances of your female betta laying a larger clutch of eggs, you should provide her with plenty of food and make sure that she is healthy. You should also keep her in an environment with good water quality and stable temperature. By doing all of these things, you can increase the chances that she will lay more eggs than usual.

How to care for the eggs of a Betta fish?

Caring for the eggs of a Betta fish can be a bit tricky, but ultimately worth it. If you’re just starting out, here are a few tips on how to make sure your Betta’s eggs are well taken care of.

First, you’ll need to set up a separate tank for the eggs. This should be separate from the tank that your Betta is currently living in. You’ll want to make sure that the new tank is either a bare bottom tank or just has very fine substrate. This will help prevent the eggs from being accidentally damaged.

Next, you’ll need to adjust the water parameters to create an ideal environment for the eggs. The temperature should be between 78-81 degrees Fahrenheit and the pH should be between 6.5-7.0. The water should also be highly oxygenated, so you should add an air stone or filter to the tank.

Once the water parameters are set, you’ll want to add some floating plants like duckweed or frogbit. These will provide shade and protection for the eggs while they develop. It’s also important to turn off any filters in the tank, as the flow can damage or dislodge the eggs.

Finally, you’ll need to make sure you’re feeding the eggs correctly. You’ll want to add some live food like microworms or baby brine shrimp as soon as the eggs hatch. You can also feed them finely ground flakes or commercially available fry food.

Caring for Betta fish eggs can be a bit of a challenge, but if done properly it can be very rewarding! With these tips in mind, you should have no trouble keeping your Betta’s eggs healthy and happy!

Do All Species of Betta Fish lay eggs every few weeks?

No, not all species of Betta fish lay eggs every few weeks. While some betta species may lay eggs regularly, it really depends on the individual fish and the environment in which it resides. For example, some bettas may lay eggs very frequently in an aquarium with optimal water conditions, while other bettas may not lay eggs at all when kept in an aquarium with suboptimal water conditions.

Furthermore, the frequency of egg-laying can also vary depending on the species of betta. For example, some wild betta species may lay eggs as often as once a week, while other species may only lay eggs every few months or so. Additionally, the amount of eggs laid can also vary depending on the species of betta, with some species laying hundreds of eggs per clutch, while other species only laying a handful.

In order to ensure that your betta is in an environment suitable for regular egg-laying, it’s important to monitor water parameters such as temperature and pH levels.

Additionally, providing an appropriate spawning substrate such as marbles or gravel can also encourage egg-laying. Finally, it’s important to keep in mind that even when given ideal conditions, some bettas may never lay eggs due to individual differences and genetic predisposition.

Can male and female betta fish live together?

The simple answer is no, male and female betta fish should not be kept together. This is because betta fish are incredibly territorial, and male bettas in particular are known to become very aggressive with each other. If two males were to be placed in the same tank, they would fight to establish dominance, which can result in serious injuries or even death.

The same goes for male and female bettas. While female bettas are not as territorial as males, they still have the potential to become aggressive when living in close proximity with one another. In addition, if the female were to become pregnant, the male would likely become aggressive and try to attack the female or her eggs.

If you’re looking to keep betta fish together, you’ll want to create a community tank that consists of several bettas of both sexes. This will give them space to establish their own territories and will reduce the risk of aggression. However, even in a community tank, it’s important to keep an eye on the fish and make sure they’re not displaying any signs of aggression.

Overall, it’s not recommended to keep male and female bettas together. It’s best to keep them separated in order to reduce the risk of aggression and injury.


Aaron White

Senior Editor at

I am a passionate writer for FishyFishPet, a website dedicated to helping fish pet owners of all levels learn about the best practices for caring for their aquatic companions. On our site, you’ll find a wealth of information on everything from choosing the right fish species to setting up a healthy and thriving tank ecosystem. Whether you’re just getting started with fish ownership or you’re an experienced aquarist looking to expand your knowledge, FishyFishPet has something for everyone. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you find our site helpful and informative.

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