Caring for Your New Baby Betta Fish: An Essential Guide! (2025)

Congratulations on joining the fantastic journey of caring for a baby Betta fish! After all the research, you have taken the plunge to bring a baby Betta into your family. Now, it’s time to learn the fundamentals of caring for your new fish. This guide will provide you with the crucial information you need to ensure your baby Betta develops healthily and vigorously.

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Introduction to Caring for Baby Betta Fish

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Taking care of a baby Betta fish will be an incredibly gratifying and delightful experience for everyone in your family. These little creatures have a lot of spirit and vitality that will surely bring a smile to your face. However, looking after baby Betta fish requires knowledge, fortitude, and commitment. To guarantee that your baby Betta is safe and sound, you must prepare the tank, select the appropriate water and food, perform regular water changes, watch out for illnesses, and contemplate compatible tank mates. Let us begin discovering the fundamentals of caring for your new baby fish.

What are Baby Betta Called?

What are Baby Betta Called

Tiny bettas, more commonly known as “betta fry,” are the babies of the betta family. Betta fish are freshwater fish regularly kept as pets and are well-known for their stunning colors and hostile attitude.

Baby bettas are exceptionally small, usually measuring only a few millimeters, and they require particular attention to make sure they make it and become healthy adult fish. These baby bettas get their name since they are the offspring of the betta species, and as they mature, they will acquire the typical traits and qualities of grown-up bettas.

Setting Up the Tank for Baby Betta Fish

When creating the perfect home for baby betta fish, it’s essential to keep their particular requirements in mind. To make sure you’ve got it just right, here’s a guide to setting up the best environment for your little ones:

Setting Up the Tank for Baby Betta Fish
  • Choose the right tank: 

    When picking an appropriate container for your new baby betta, a tank of a minimum of 2.5 gallons will do the trick! Remember, a bowl isn’t suitable as it needs to offer more space for exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide.

  • Add a heater:

    It is essential to include a heater for baby bettas, as they need a stable water temperature of 78-82°F. A heater is required in order to make sure this temperature is maintained.

  • Install a filter:

    To maintain a pristine environment, it is crucial to install a filter in the baby betta tank. An adjustable filter of suitable size will be able to remove any undesired particles from the water.

  • Add plants or decorations:

    Bettas will have fun swimming around and hiding in plants, so why not enhance their habitat with some live or artificial foliage and other decorative pieces? This will provide them with something to do and make them feel safe.

  • Cycle the tank:

    Setting up the tank is important before introducing baby bettas. This process consists of introducing an ammonia source to the water, which will then transform into nitrite, followed by adding a nitrate source to convert the nitrite into nitrate. After a few days, it is important to measure the nitrate levels and partially change the water to ensure a healthy environment.

  • Add water:

    To prepare the tank, pour treated water into it and adjust the temperature to the same as the water that the baby bettas were originally in.

  • Add the baby bettas:

    After the aquarium is appropriately set up and primed for a healthy environment, the time has come to introduce the baby bettas. Gradually introducing them is recommended to prevent any sudden shock.

  • To keep the baby bettas in a healthy environment, it is a must to keep a close eye on the water quality and do regular water replacements. With adequate attention, they will become sturdy adult fish and will be able to live happily in their new habitat.

How long until Baby Betta Hatch?

Hatching for baby bettas is typically completed in 36 to 72 hours, depending on the water temperature and other environmental factors. Male betta fish are known for constructing bubble nests to shelter and incubate the eggs. Once the eggs have hatched, the baby bettas will swim around and need to be regularly fed small portions of special food for baby bettas. 

How long until Baby Betta Hatch

In order to ensure the survival and development of baby bettas, it is important to provide them with a warm, clean, and stable environment. This can be done by maintaining a consistent water temperature, providing the correct type of food, and monitoring the water quality through regular water changes. These baby bettas can grow quickly and become healthy adult fish if given proper care.

What to Feed Baby Betta Fish?

For optimal growth and development, baby betta fish require a balanced and nutritious diet. Here are some recommended feeding options: 

What to Feed Baby Betta Fish
  • Live or frozen delicacies:

    Live or frozen treats such as daphnia, white worms, live or frozen brine shrimp, mosquito larvae and micro worms are excellent sources of protein and can be offered to baby bettas multiple times a day.

  • Commercial baby betta food:

    There is also commercial baby betta food formulated to supply the vitamins and nutrients baby bettas need for thriving. It is available in pellet or flake form and can be given to baby bettas multiple times a day. 

  • Infusoria:

    Infusoria is a type of tiny aquatic creature that can be cultivated at home and served as food to baby bettas. It is a great food source for very young fry, but there should be other food sources as they grow and need more protein.

Giving baby bettas moderate portions of food multiple times a day is critical, as their digestion systems are tiny and can’t handle huge meals. Overfeeding can contaminate the water and diminish its quality, detrimental to the little bettas. 

Observing the baby bettas’ progress and modifying their diet accordingly is also essential. As they expand, they might need more food or a different kind of food to nurture their growth and advancement. With the correct nourishment and attention, baby bettas will mature into robust adult fish and provide many years of pleasure as pets.

Why Separate Baby Bettas from Parents?

It is vital to keep baby bettas segregated from their parents for a few different explanations.

Why Separate Baby Betta from Parents?
  • Avoiding aggression:

    If you have adult bettas, particularly male, they can be pretty territorial and possibly attack or harm the baby bettas. To protect the little ones, it’s best to keep them away from their parents by separating them. That way, you can guarantee their security.

  • Providing adequate space:

    Baby bettas mature rapidly, requiring a lot of room to move around and investigate. Overcrowding can be an issue if they are in the same tank as their parents, resulting in distress for the fish and inferior water quality.

  • Supporting healthy growth:

    If you want to ensure your baby bettas receive the necessary nutrition and care to grow and develop properly, you should consider placing them in their tank. That way, you can quickly provide them with the appropriate environment and diet.

  • Preventing crossbreeding:

    To ensure the well-being of baby bettas, it is important to keep them separated from their parents and avoid crossbreeding, as the hybrid offspring it produces can lack the desired characteristics and be unhealthy.

  • To guarantee a healthy and flourishing life for baby bettas, it is best to keep them apart from their parents. This will afford them the proper environment and attention to reach maturity as healthy fish. With this arrangement, you can be sure they will remain in top condition and flourish in their new environment.

From Betta Fry to Mature Betta

  • It may take a few weeks up to a couple of months for Betta fry to become fully grown adults, based on the conditions in which they are kept and their rate of progress. Usually, it takes about two to four months before they reach maturity.
  • To ensure the Betta fry is developing correctly, it is important to provide proper care and attention. This includes supplying a balanced meal, retaining a stable water temperature, and frequently monitoring the water to avoid illness and maintain healthy growth.
  • It is also necessary to monitor the fry’s growth and adjust their diet and maintenance accordingly. With proper care, Betta fry will turn into healthy adult fish that can survive in their new habitat.

Common baby Betta Diseases

Like other fish, infant bettas are highly prone to numerous health issues. Here are a few of the most frequent illnesses that can have an impact on baby bettas.

Common Baby Betta Diseases


  • An unpleasant parasitic intruder is responsible for the white blemishes on the body and fins of the fish. Thankfully, it is possible to get rid of it using a special bath or a remedy added to the water.

Fin rot:

  • Fin rot: This type of bacterial infestation can make the fins of the fish look tattered and eventually erode them. It is usually due to lousy water quality or damage, and it can be remedied with a bacterial remedy that is put into the water.


  • This is a microbial affliction that can cause damage to the external body parts of the fish, such as the skin, mouth, and fins. It can be taken care of with antibiotics. However, it is essential to enhance the tank water quality and minimize the stress level to keep the issue from recurring.

Swim bladder disorder:

  • In this state, the organ that helps a fish remain afloat – the swim bladder – is either injured or afflicted. This can cause swimming issues, or the fish may even swim upside down. But, the situation can be remedied with an alteration in diet and an enhancement in the water quality.


  • A parasite may produce an amber-hued coating on the fish’s epidermis, resulting in them being unable to eat properly and swim easily. Fortunately, it can be taken care of through medication added to the aquarium.

Suppose you give them the correct care, such as creating a clean and healthy habitat, controlling water quality, and giving them a nutritious diet. In that case, you can lessen the chances of illness in baby bettas and ensure their general wellness. If you think your baby bettas are unwell, it is necessary to consult a vet experienced in fish health to figure out the best remedy.

Tank Mates for Baby Betta Fish

When deciding which fish to pair with baby bettas, it’s crucial to consider the dispositions, dimensions, and habits of both the baby bettas and any potential tank mates. Here are some suitable fish that make good tank mates for baby bettas:

Tank Mates for Baby Betta Fish
  • Danios:
  • Shrimp:
  • Snails:
  • Corydoras Catfish:

Danios: Danios are the perfect companion for younger bettas – they move quickly and don’t possess long, flowing fins that could cause a betta to feel threatened. Not only that, but they’re also extremely sturdy and can handle various water conditions.


Shrimp: If you’re looking for a peaceful cohabitant for your baby betta, then shrimp could be the perfect fit! Both cherry shrimp and ghost shrimp are very laid back and won’t cause any trouble to the baby betta. Plus, they’ll help keep your tank tidy by gobbling up any leftovers and keeping the debris levels low.


Snails: If you’re looking for a suitable companion for your baby betta, consider snails like mystery snails or ramshorn snails. They’re gentle and slow-moving and also help to maintain a tidy environment by consuming algae and other debris.


Corydoras Catfish: These petite catfish are tranquil and don’t have overly long fins, making them a compatible tank companion for tiny bettas. Moreover, they assist in keeping the aquarium tidy by foraging for food and residue.

Corydoras Catfish

It’s worth bearing in mind that just because certain species of fish can coexist with baby bettas doesn’t mean that all fish will get along in every tank. To guarantee that the aquarium remains a peaceful habitat for all the creatures it contains, it’s essential to research. It observes the behavior of both the tiny bettas and their potential tankmates.


Looking after a juvenile Betta fish is a satisfying and entertaining experience. With the right information and commitment, you can ensure your baby Betta grows up healthy and content. This guide has provided you with the essential facts you need to give your baby Betta the best possible treatment. Now go ahead and begin taking care of your baby Betta! If you want more help, visit our website for more fish-keeping articles, such as product reviews, top-ranking lists, how-to guides, and other related content. 

Caring for a baby Betta requires effort, but it’s a fulfilling experience that will bring you and your family great pleasure. So get ready, get set, and start caring for your baby Betta fish!


Can Newly Hatched Betta be kept alone in a 10-Gallon Tank?

Yes, newly hatched Betta can be kept alone in a 10-gallon tank! Betta fish are a type of tropical freshwater fish that are part of the Osphronemidae family. They are known for their bright colors, long fins, and peaceful temperament.

Since they are relatively small fish, they don’t need a lot of space to swim and can do well in a 10-gallon tank. When it comes to housing newly hatched Betta, it’s important to keep the tank clean and provide plenty of hiding spots. Make sure to change 25-50% of the water every week and add in an air stone for additional oxygen.

It’s also important to note that Bettas are a solitary species and should not be housed with other fish. That being said, they can coexist with other types of aquatic animals such as snails and shrimp. In addition, you should provide your Betta with plenty of hiding spots in the form of plants and decorations. This will help keep them feeling secure and stress-free.

In conclusion, newly hatched Betta can do well in a 10-gallon tank as long as it is kept clean and properly maintained. Make sure to provide plenty of hiding spots and change out the water regularly for optimal health.

Should I buy Adult Betta fish live From a Pet store or Breed Betta Fish myself?

If you want to buy a live adult Betta fish from a pet store, then you can usually find healthy specimens that are already of breeding age. This is a great option if you’re just looking for a pet and don’t want to get into the process of breeding Betta fish yourself. You can also find Betta fish at fish stores, online retailers, and even through classified ads.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to breed Betta fish yourself, then it’s a little more involved process. You’ll need to have the right environment and supplies to ensure your Bettas are healthy and comfortable. You’ll also need to have the knowledge and experience to properly take care of the fish and breed them successfully. This can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it’s not something to be taken lightly.

In conclusion, it really depends on your goals and resources. If you just want a pet Betta, then buying an adult from a pet store is probably the best option. But if you want to breed Betta fish yourself, then you’ll need to do some research and make sure you have the necessary supplies and knowledge to do it correctly.

When do female Betta fish lay eggs?

Female Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, typically lay eggs when they reach sexual maturity at around 8 months of age. During this time, they will become more active and seem to be searching for a mate.

When a female is ready to spawn, she will start to build bubble nests near the surface of the water and she will become much more aggressive towards other fish in the tank. This is her way of claiming her territory.

When she finds a suitable mate, the male and female will start to circle each other in an elaborate courtship ritual. After circling each other for a while, the female will lay her eggs in the bubble nest and the male will then fertilize them.

Once the eggs are laid, it’s important to remove the female Betta to prevent her from eating the eggs. The eggs can take up to 48 hours to hatch and, once they do, the fry should be fed small amounts of food several times a day.

In conclusion, female Betta fish typically lay eggs when they reach sexual maturity at around 8 months of age. During this time, they will become more active and build bubble nests in order to attract a mate. Once a suitable mate is found, the female will lay her eggs which should be removed from the tank shortly after.

What are some Common Aquatic Diseases that young bettas are susceptible to?

Young bettas are incredibly beautiful and hardy fish, but unfortunately they can still be susceptible to a few common aquatic diseases. The most common ones you should be aware of are Fin Rot, Ich, Columnaris, and Velvet.

Fin Rot is an infection that destroys the fins of your betta, usually caused by bacteria or fungi. It’s usually caused by poor water quality and can be treated with antibiotics, though it’s important to make sure to keep up with regular water changes.

Ich is a parasite that attaches itself to the skin of your betta and causes white spots. It can be treated with medications, but make sure to follow the instructions carefully as over-medicating can be harmful to your fish.

Columnaris is another bacterial infection that can cause lesions and ulcers on the body of your betta. This is usually caused by poor water quality, so it’s important to keep up with regular water changes. Like with Fin Rot, it can be treated with antibiotics.

Lastly, Velvet is a parasite that coats your betta in a golden dust. It can be treated with medications, but it’s important to make sure to follow the instructions carefully as over-medicating can be harmful to your fish.

If you notice any symptoms of these diseases in your betta, make sure to take action quickly and contact your local vet for advice and medication. By keeping up with regular water changes and monitoring your betta’s health, you can help prevent these common aquatic diseases from occurring.

Do Betta Fry Eat Dried Food or Live Food?

The best food for betta fry is live food, as this is most similar to the kind of food they would find in the wild. Live food includes things like baby brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms, all of which can be found at most pet stores. You’ll want to make sure that you buy a high-quality food, as they need to be as fresh as possible. Live food should be fed to the fry several times a day in small portions, and it’s important to remove any uneaten food from the tank after each feeding.

Another option for feeding betta fry is dried food. This type of food comes in a variety of forms, including pellets, flakes, and freeze-dried foods. While not as ideal as live food, dried food can be an acceptable alternative if you’re unable to provide your fry with live food. It’s important to choose a high-quality food that is specifically designed for betta fry. You’ll also want to make sure that the food you’re providing is small enough for the fry to eat easily.

No matter which type of food you choose to feed your betta fry, it’s important to remember that they need to be fed multiple times a day in very small amounts. Overfeeding can lead to serious health problems for your fish, so it’s important to watch how much you’re feeding them. With the proper care and nutrition, your betta fry will thrive and bring lots of joy to your aquarium!

When do young Betta become Adults and Perform Mating Rituals?

Generally speaking, Betta fish reach adulthood between the ages of 3 and 6 months. This can vary depending on the environment they are living in and the diet they are being fed. For example, if the temperature of their tank is too warm, their growth could be accelerated, meaning they could reach adulthood sooner than 3-6 months.

When it comes to mating rituals, this is something that Betta fish generally don’t begin to do until they are adults. As adults, Betta fish will perform courtship displays and other behaviors in order to attract a mate. These behaviors can include things like tail waving, bubble nests, and flaring their fins. Once the female has been attracted, she will lay her eggs and then the male will fertilize them.

It’s important to note that Betta fish can still mate even if they are not of age yet, but it’s not recommended as they have not yet reached physical maturity and may not be able to successfully carry out the mating rituals or fertilize the eggs properly.

Do Siamese Fighting Fish prefer Heated Water or Colder Water?

The answer to this question really depends on the specific species of Siamese Fighting Fish you are referring to. While some species of Siamese Fighting Fish prefer warmer water, others, such as the Betta Splendens, prefer cooler water.

The Betta Splendens is the most common species of Siamese Fighting Fish and they thrive best in temperatures between 75°F and 82°F (24°C – 28°C). These fish are native to the warmest parts of Southeast Asia, so they prefer water temperatures that mimic their natural environment.

However, if the water temperature is too high, the Betta Splendens can become stressed and even die. It’s important to always keep an eye on the temperature of your fish’s tank and make sure it remains at a comfortable level. Additionally, it’s important to use an aquarium thermometer to make sure you get an accurate reading of the water temperature.

In summary, while some species of Siamese Fighting Fish may prefer warmer water, the Betta Splendens does best in cooler water temperatures between 75°F and 82°F (24°C – 28°C). It’s important to monitor the temperature of your tank to make sure it remains at a comfortable level for your fish.

Are frozen bloodworms, tubifex worms, and grindal worms a well-balanced diet for Bettas?

When it comes to feeding your Betta, it’s important to make sure they get a well-balanced diet. Frozen bloodworms, tubifex worms, and grindal worms can all be part of a healthy diet for your Betta, but there are a few things you should consider before feeding them these foods.

First and foremost, frozen bloodworms, tubifex worms, and grindal worms should only be fed to your Betta as occasional treats. These foods can provide a great source of nutrition to supplement their regular diet, but they should never be used as the main source of food.

Frozen bloodworms are a great source of protein and fat for your Betta, and they also contain calcium and other essential minerals. Tubifex worms are rich in protein and fat, but they also contain high levels of phosphates which can be detrimental to your Betta’s health if consumed in large quantities. Finally, grindal worms are high in protein and fat as well as essential vitamins and minerals.

A good rule of thumb is to feed your Betta frozen bloodworms or grindal worms no more than once per week, and tubifex worms no more than once every two weeks. It’s also important to monitor how much your Betta eats when feeding them these treats to avoid overfeeding. As long as you follow these guidelines, these foods can provide a great source of nutrition for your Betta.


Aaron White

Senior Editor at

I am a passionate writer for FishyFishPet, a website dedicated to helping fish pet owners of all levels learn about the best practices for caring for their aquatic companions. On our site, you’ll find a wealth of information on everything from choosing the right fish species to setting up a healthy and thriving tank ecosystem. Whether you’re just getting started with fish ownership or you’re an experienced aquarist looking to expand your knowledge, FishyFishPet has something for everyone. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you find our site helpful and informative.

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