Can Male Betta Fish Live with Mollies? Discover the Truth Here! (2025)

Siamese fighting fish, also known as betta fish, are among the most beloved aquarium fish worldwide due to their striking colors, distinct personalities, and low maintenance requirements. Nevertheless, some aquarists may hesitate to keep male bettas in the same tank with other fish, like mollies. Whether bettas can live with mollies without conflict is heavily debated, with some suggesting it’s possible and others saying it isn’t.

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This blog post will delve into the truth behind betta and mollies cohabitation. We’ll analyze the behavior of bettas and mollies, explore the optimal tank conditions for peaceful coexistence, and examine the signs of compatibility between these two species. By the end of this article, you’ll gain a thorough understanding of whether male bettas can live with mollies harmoniously in a tank. So, let’s discover the compatibility of Betta and mollies and whether these fish can live peacefully together in a shared aquarium.

Understanding Betta and Molly Behavior 

Can Male Betta Fish Live with Mollies gif maker 10 1

When considering whether male bettas and mollies can live together, it is important to understand the behavior of each species. As a renowned expert in the field of aquariums, Heiko Bleher emphasizes that bettas, also known as siamese fighting fish, are notorious for their aggressive behavior towards other male bettas and fish with long, flowing fins. This is due to their territorial nature, which they also exhibit in captivity. 

Meanwhile, mollies are generally peaceful fish that can coexist with other species, including bettas, in the same tank. In the wild, mollies are active swimmers that feed on algae, insects, and small invertebrates. Considering these factors as fish keepers is crucial before keeping these two types of fish together in a tank. Although keeping betta fish with guppies is common, continuously monitoring their behavior is important to ensure they live peacefully.

Can Male Betta Fish Live with Mollies?

Can Male Betta Fish Live with Mollies?

Many factors come into play when considering keeping male betta fish with mollies in the same tank. It’s not a straightforward yes or no answer, as it depends on several crucial factors. Aquarium owners should consider the temperament of each individual Betta and Molly. Although male bettas are generally aggressive towards other fish, some individuals may coexist peacefully with mollies. Additionally, mollies may show aggression towards fish with long, flowing fins.

Tank size is also crucial, with a larger tank offering more space and hiding spots to reduce aggression between the fish. Water quality is vital, and both bettas and mollies require a pH between 7.0 and 8.0, filtration, and regular water changes for their health and well-being. Aquarium decoration can also play a role in their compatibility, with hiding spots, plants, and decorations reducing aggression.

In conclusion, whether male betta fish can live with mollies depends on various factors such as individual temperament, tank size, water quality, and aquarium decoration. Aquarium owners should monitor their behavior closely and make necessary adjustments to ensure both species’ health and well-being. While some have succeeded in keeping bettas and mollies together, it’s not guaranteed and should be approached cautiously.

Aquarium Set-Up for Betta and Molly Compatibility

When it comes to setting up an aquarium for male bettas and mollies to live together, there are a few key factors to consider.

  • Aquarium Set-Up
Aquarium Set-Up

When introducing Betta and mollies together, creating a natural and comfortable environment in the aquarium is crucial. Including plenty of hiding spots, plants, and decorations can provide the perfect hiding places for both species, especially in times of stress or when escaping aggressive behavior.

Creating a comfortable environment can reduce stress levels for both species and provide them the necessary space to live harmoniously in the same tank. So, when keeping Betta and mollies together, it’s essential to put them together in a well-equipped fish tank with ample space to ensure they become the best tankmates for your Betta.

  • Tank size:

    Tank size is crucial when it comes to keeping bettas and mollies together. A larger tank provides enough space for each fish to establish its own territory, reducing the likelihood of aggressive behavior. Experts recommend a minimum tank size of 20 gallons for an aquarium that houses both male bettas and mollies. It’s important to remember that bettas are territorial fish, so a larger tank can help prevent them from feeling cramped and stressed.

  • Filtration:

    Maintaining good water quality is crucial for the health and well-being of your fish. A good filtration system is critical to removing waste and maintaining water quality in your aquarium. It’s recommended to have a filter that can process at least 5-10 times the volume of your tank per hour. In addition to filtration, regular water changes are essential to remove accumulated waste and maintain proper water parameters, especially in a tank with multiple fish species. You can help your fish thrive and live peacefully together in the same tank by ensuring good water quality.

  • Water Conditions:

    Creating the ideal water conditions is essential for the health and well-being of both male bettas and mollies. They prefer water with a pH between 7.0 and 8.0 and a water hardness of 10-25 dGH. As fish keepers, it’s crucial to regularly test the water parameters and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that both species thrive in their preferred environment. Betta fish prefer to live in water that mimics their natural habitat, which includes a slightly acidic pH and moderate hardness.

  • Feeding:

    When keeping bettas and mollies together in the same tank, providing a balanced diet is crucial. Bettas are carnivorous and require a protein-rich diet, while mollies are omnivorous and require a mix of protein and plant-based foods. It’s important to feed each fish type according to their dietary needs and ensure that all fish in the aquarium have access to food. Overfeeding can cause stress for your Betta, so monitoring the amount of food provided is important.

Setting up an aquarium suitable for male bettas and mollies to live together harmoniously requires attention to detail on several aspects, such as tank size, aquarium set-up, filtration, water conditions, and feeding. Creating a safe and comfortable environment for both species to thrive and coexist peacefully is essential.

By keeping a close eye on your Betta, making sure that your betta fish is not stressed or agitated, and providing a balanced diet for every fish in the aquarium, aquarium owners can increase the chances of the successful cohabitation of bettas and mollies.

Signs of Betta and Molly Compatibility

  • Betta and Molly Compatibility

If you have decided to keep male bettas and mollies in the same tank, it’s essential to understand the signs of compatibility. Here are some things to look for:

Signs of Betta and Molly Compatibility
  • Peaceful Coexistence: 

    When male bettas and mollies live peacefully, they will not display aggressive behavior. As a matter of fact, they may even swim together in harmony within the tank.

  • No Fins Clamping: 

    If you notice that your fish’s fins are clamping, it’s important to take action as soon as possible, as this could be a sign of stress or anxiety. When male bettas and mollies coexist peacefully, they won’t display any aggressive behavior toward each other.

  • No Nipping: 

    Nipping is a common behavior among fish, but it can be harmful if it becomes excessive. If your Betta constantly nips at the mollies or vice versa, it’s a sign that they are incompatible.

  • Active and Healthy:

    When male bettas and mollies live in a compatible environment, they thrive and remain healthy. They exhibit dynamic behavior, swim freely around the tank, eat excitedly, and display no signs of stress or illness.

Observing your fish regularly is crucial to ensure that they are getting along. By paying close attention to their behavior, you can detect any signs of incompatibility. If you notice any of the above symptoms, such as fin clamping or aggressive behavior, it’s best to separate the fish to prevent any harm or stress to them.

Signs of Betta and Molly Incompatibility

If you are considering keeping male bettas and mollies together, it’s important to be aware of the signs that indicate they may not be compatible. While these fish can coexist peacefully, there are certain behaviors you should watch out for to prevent aggression and stress. By observing your fish regularly, you can take appropriate measures to ensure their well-being and prevent any conflicts that may arise.

  • The Behaviors and Interactions that Suggest Incompatibility
The Behaviors and Interactions that Suggest Incompatibility
  • Fin nipping:

    If you keep molly fish with Betta, you need to watch out for nipping by mollies. Mollies can grow quite large, and their curious and active nature may cause them to nip at the fins of slower-moving fish like bettas. If you notice that your Betta’s fins are getting nipped, it may be a sign that the mollies are harassing him. Monitoring the situation closely is essential to prevent your Betta from getting stressed or injured.

  • Chasing: 

    If you notice the mollies continuously chasing your Betta, it could indicate they are stressing him out. It’s essential to keep in mind that betta fish are solitary creatures, and they need adequate space to live comfortably. Therefore, it’s best to ensure every fish in your tank has sufficient space to move freely without feeling crowded or overwhelmed. If your Betta is exhibiting signs of stress due to the mollies’ behavior, you may need to separate them to prevent further harm.

  • Bullying:

    Keeping a close eye on your fish when keeping a betta fish with mollies is essential. If you notice that one of your mollies is persistently harassing your Betta, it could indicate that they are bullying him. This behavior can cause immense stress and even health problems for your Betta. As an experienced aquarist, I must stress the importance of maintaining a peaceful and stress-free environment for your fish.

  • Lack of appetite: 

    If you notice your betta fish is not eating, it could be a sign that he is stressed or being bullied by the mollies. The larger size of mollies can cause your Betta to feel intimidated, leading to stress and a loss of appetite. It’s crucial to ensure that your Betta has enough space and that you closely monitor his behavior when keeping a betta fish with mollies. In some cases, stress can cause your Betta to stop eating altogether, leading to severe health problems.

Observing your fish regularly is crucial to ensure that they are getting along. By paying close attention to their behavior, you can detect any signs of incompatibility. If you notice any of the above symptoms, such as fin clamping or aggressive behavior, it’s best to separate the fish to prevent any harm or stress to them.

  • What to Watch Out for to Prevent Aggression and Stress in Your Fish

If you notice any signs of incompatibility, it’s vital to take action to prevent aggression and stress in your fish. Here are some steps you can take:

What to Watch Out for to Prevent Aggression and Stress in Your Fish
  • Provide hiding spots: 

    I highly recommend adding plants, rocks, and other decorations to your tank to create hiding spots for your betta fish. This can help reduce stress levels and prevent aggression from the mollies. In a tank, you should keep your Betta comfortable and secure, so ensuring that your Betta has enough hiding places is crucial. These hiding spots will help reduce stress and provide your Betta with a sense of security. Therefore, it’s essential to make sure that your Betta is happy and comfortable in the tank you have set up. Adding decorations to your tank is a simple and effective way to ensure your fish gets the environment he needs to thrive.

  • Increase the tank size: 

    It’s important to note that if you have multiple fish in the same tank, a small tank can lead to stress and aggression among them. When keeping a betta fish and mollies as tank mates, you should ensure that the tank is large enough to accommodate all the fish in your tank. Consider upgrading to a larger tank to give your Betta and mollies more space to swim and explore. This will help reduce stress levels and create a more natural environment for your fish to thrive. When keeping a betta fish, it’s crucial to make sure that your Betta is comfortable and stress-free. Therefore, you must be sure that your Betta has enough space to swim and live healthily. A larger tank will also allow you to add more decorations to your tank, providing your fish with hiding spots and more natural habitat. With a larger tank, you can be sure your Betta and other fish are happy and healthy.

  • Separate the fish: 

    If you have noticed that your Betta and mollies are incompatible and cannot live peacefully in the same tank, it may be necessary to separate them into different tanks. Although it can be a difficult decision to make, it’s crucial to prioritize the health and well-being of your fish. Remember, mollies are likely to live together and be compatible with other species, while bettas prefer to live alone and be the only fish in their tank. If you are keeping a single betta fish, it’s best to avoid adding any other fish to the tank.

  • Adjust the feeding schedule:

    If you notice the mollies bullying your Betta during feeding time, it may cause stress and health problems for your Betta. To prevent this, you can adjust the feeding schedule. Consider feeding your Betta separately from the mollies, or try providing smaller meals more frequently to reduce competition for food. This will help ensure that your Betta gets the necessary nutrition and reduce the risk of stress-related health problems. Additionally, if you have multiple fish in the same tank, monitoring their behavior during feeding time is important to ensure that each fish gets enough food.

As an experienced aquarist, I can confirm that male bettas and mollies can coexist harmoniously. However, it’s essential to be aware of any potential signs of incompatibility between these species. It’s crucial to pay attention to your Betta’s behavior and notice any changes in their temperament. Mollies, on the other hand, typically get along well with bettas.

It’s important to note that betta fish should be kept properly, and molly fish with Betta needs to be monitored closely. In any case, taking the necessary steps to prevent aggression and stress is crucial to ensure a healthy and happy environment for all of your fish. Therefore, it’s vital to educate yourself before getting a betta and make an informed decision to keep bettas with mollies.

Introducing Mollies to a Betta Tank

When introducing mollies to a tank with a male betta, it’s important to follow certain best practices to minimize stress and aggression.

Introducing Mollies to a Betta Tank

Best Practices for Introducing Mollies to a Betta Tank:


  • It’s best to quarantine the mollies in a separate tank for a few weeks before introducing them to the Betta. This can help prevent the spread of any potential diseases or parasites.

Slow Introduction: 

  • When introducing the mollies to the betta tank, it’s important to do so slowly. Start by floating the bag with the mollies in the tank for about 30 minutes, so they can acclimate to the temperature. Then, gradually release them into the tank, one at a time, over a few hours.

Plenty of Hiding Places: 

  • Provide plenty of hiding places for the mollies to retreat to if they feel threatened by the Betta. This can include plants, rocks, and decorations.

Monitor Behavior: 

  • Keep a close eye on the behavior of both the Betta and the mollies for the first few days. If any aggression or stress is observed, consider separating the fish and trying again later.

Minimizing Stress and Aggression During Acclimation Process:

Keep the Lights Dim: 

  • Dimming the lights in the tank can help reduce stress levels for both the Betta and the mollies.

Feed the Betta First: 

  • Feeding the Betta first can help reduce aggression toward the mollies, as the Betta may be less likely to see them as a threat.

Maintain Water Quality: 

  • Ensuring optimal water quality in the tank can also help reduce stress levels and aggression in the fish. Keep up with regular water changes and ensure the temperature and pH levels are appropriate for both species.

Male Betta Aggression: What You Need to Know

Male bettas are notorious for their aggressive behavior, particularly towards their own kind. Nonetheless, they can also show hostility towards other fish in their territory, such as mollies. It is essential to comprehend why bettas can be aggressive to take the first step in managing this behavior.

Male Betta Aggression: What You Need to Know

The reasons why male bettas can be aggressive

  • Territoriality:

    Betta fish are naturally territorial and may exhibit aggressive behavior towards other fish in their confined aquarium space.

  • Mating behavior:

    Male bettas can become aggressive when they perceive a potential mate in their territory. Understanding these reasons is important for managing betta aggression in a community tank.

Tips for Keeping the Same Tank with Male Betta Fish and Mollies

Tips for Keeping the Same Tank with  Male Betta Fish and Mollies

As you may know, keeping male bettas and mollies in the same tank can be quite challenging. However, with proper care and attention, it is possible to maintain a peaceful and harmonious aquarium environment. To ensure your fish stay happy and healthy, here are some best practices to follow:

  • Provide ample hiding spots and plants: 

    Both male bettas and mollies appreciate having plenty of hiding spots and plants to swim through. This makes them feel more secure, helps break up sightlines, and reduces aggression.

  • Avoid overstocking: 

    Overcrowding the tank can lead to territorial disputes and aggression. Generally, aim for one male Betta and a small group of mollies (3-4) in a 20-gallon tank.

  • Ensure a proper diet: 

    Both species have different dietary requirements, so providing a balanced diet for each is essential. Feed your Betta high-quality pellets or frozen/live food while mollies enjoy a mix of plant-based flakes and live/frozen food.

  • Monitor water conditions: 

    Male bettas are sensitive to water conditions and need warm, clean water to thrive. Mollies are more tolerant of many conditions but still require regular water changes and maintenance.

  • Keep an eye on behavior: 

    Observe your fish regularly and look out for signs of aggression or stress. Remove any fish causing problems or adjust the tank set-up to reduce conflict if necessary.

When it comes to keeping male bettas and mollies together in the same tank, it is possible to have a peaceful coexistence with the proper care and attention. However, it’s important to stay vigilant and monitor their behavior regularly. Making adjustments as needed will ensure their overall health and happiness.

Troubleshooting Common Problems in Betta and Molly’s same Tanks

Troubleshooting Common Problems in Betta and Molly's same Tanks

When keeping mollies and bettas together in the same tank, it’s important to be aware of common issues that may arise. Mollies are peaceful fish and may become victims of betta aggression. One issue to watch for is the Betta flaring its fins and displaying aggressive behavior toward the mollies.

If you notice this, consider separating them. Another issue is mollies nipping at the Betta’s fins, which can cause stress and infection. Adding more hiding spots and decorations to the tank can provide the Betta with places to escape from the mollies.

Finally, keep an eye on the health of both species, as mollies are known carriers of disease and may infect bettas. By monitoring their behavior and taking these precautions, mollies and bettas can coexist peacefully in the same tank.

Common issues:

  • Aggression: 

    Male bettas can be territorial and may attack other fish in the tank, including mollies. Watch for signs of aggression, such as flaring fins, chasing, and biting.

  • Stress: 

    Mollies can be sensitive to changes in water conditions and may become stressed if the tank is not maintained correctly. Stress can lead to health problems and even death.

  • Disease: 

    Fish in the same tank are more susceptible to disease and parasites, which can quickly spread from one fish to another. Watch for signs of illness, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, and discoloration.

Tips for keeping your fish safe and healthy:

  • Provide plenty of hiding places:

    Both male bettas and mollies like places to hide and feel secure. Use plants, rocks, and decorations to create hiding spots in the tank.

  • Maintain water quality:

    Regular water changes and monitoring of water parameters are essential to keep your fish healthy. Test the water regularly for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels.

  • Feed a varied diet:

    Both bettas and mollies require a balanced diet to stay healthy. Offer a mix of high-quality flakes, pellets, and frozen or live foods to provide a range of nutrients.

  • Quarantine new fish:

    Before adding new fish to the tank, quarantine them in a separate tank for a few weeks to ensure they are not carrying any diseases or parasites.

  • Keep an eye on fish behavior:

    Observe your fish regularly and watch for signs of aggression, stress, or illness. Please address any problems promptly to prevent them from becoming more serious.

If you want to create a safe and happy same tank for your male bettas and mollies, it’s important to follow the earlier tips and keep an eye on your fish’s health and behavior. Remember to keep species together that can live with other fish without causing harm or stress. By doing so, you can ensure that your fish and betta fish coexist peacefully and thrive in their aquatic environment.


Whether male betta fish can live with mollies in the same tank is a complex question that requires careful consideration. While these two species can coexist peacefully, providing a suitable environment for both is crucial. This includes a large enough tank with proper hiding places, adequate filtration and water quality, and a balanced diet for all inhabitants.

Researching and understanding each species’ specific needs is essential before attempting to keep them together. If you’re considering keeping male bettas and mollies in the same tank, be prepared for potential issues such as aggression or stress. Look for any signs of trouble and take steps to minimize these problems.

Overall, with the proper care and attention, male bettas and mollies can make excellent tankmates and provide a beautiful and dynamic addition to any aquarium. With mollies being peaceful fish, mollies can live with bettas. So, always prioritize the health and well-being of your fish, and only keep betta fish with proper care.


What things to Consider before adding Betta fish with Mollies in the same tank?

If you consider adding betta fish with mollies in the same tank, there are several key factors to remember.

Firstly, it’s essential to note that mollies are generally larger than bettas, so a tank with a minimum of 20 gallons is recommended to provide ample swimming space for both species.

Additionally, bettas are known to be territorial and aggressive, so introducing them to a new environment can be stressful. Therefore, it’s vital to gradually acclimate your Betta to the new environment and monitor their behavior closely for signs of stress or aggression.

Another crucial factor to consider is the set-up of the aquarium. Bettas prefer heavily planted tanks with plenty of hiding spots, while mollies prefer open spaces to swim. Finding the right balance between the two can be challenging, but creating a suitable environment for both fish is crucial.

Lastly, introducing two different fish species together can be stressful for both, so monitoring their behavior and ensuring they are compatible closely is essential. If your Betta displays signs of stress or aggression, it may be necessary to separate the two fish. 

How much tank temperament requires to keep betta fish and Molly fish?

When it comes to keeping male betta fish and mollies together in the same tank, it’s important to understand both species and their specific needs. Mollies are peaceful fish that can live with other species, while male bettas are known for their aggressive behavior towards other male bettas and other fish in their territory.

To keep these two fish species together in the same tank, providing a large enough tank with plenty of hiding places for the mollies to retreat to if the Betta becomes aggressive is crucial. A minimum of a 10-gallon tank is recommended for one Betta and a few mollies. It’s essential to monitor the behavior of both fish closely and be prepared to make adjustments as needed.

While male bettas and mollies can live together peacefully, it’s important to note that bettas can still exhibit aggressive behavior towards mollies. Some bettas may see mollies as potential rivals or prey and try to kill them. Therefore, it’s important to choose mollies that are similar in size and temperament to the Betta.

Keeping male betta fish and mollies together in the same tank requires careful consideration and planning. It’s crucial to provide a suitable tank environment and closely monitor the behavior of both fish to ensure they are living together peacefully.

Can we keep Betta fish with mollies in a 5-gallon tank?

When it comes to keeping male betta fish and mollies together in a tank, the size of the tank is an important factor to consider, as well as the compatibility of the two fish species. While mollies and bettas can live together peacefully, it’s crucial to provide a suitable tank environment to prevent betta fish from killing the mollies.

A 5-gallon tank is not recommended for housing both species together, as it’s too small and can cause stress, aggression, and potential health issues. Mollies require space to swim, while male bettas need space to establish their territory. A small tank can lead to aggression, resulting in the Betta attacking and potentially killing the mollies.

It’s important to provide a minimum of 10 gallons of tank size to ensure a suitable environment for both species. Also, choosing mollies similar in size and temperament to the Betta can help reduce the risk of aggression. Providing plenty of hiding places for the mollies to retreat to if the Betta becomes aggressive is also crucial.

Can we keep Betta fish with mollies in a 10-gallon tank?

When it comes to keeping male betta fish and mollies together in a 10-gallon tank, it is possible but requires careful consideration. Mollies are peaceful fish that can live with other species, while male bettas are known for their aggressive behavior toward other fish in their territory

To ensure peaceful coexistence, providing plenty of hiding places and decorations for the mollies to retreat to if the Betta becomes aggressive is important.

Choosing mollies that are similar in size and temperament to the Betta can also help reduce the risk of aggression. Additionally, maintaining good water quality and providing a proper diet are essential for the health of both species. Mollies are omnivores and require a varied diet, while bettas are carnivores and require a high-protein diet.

It’s important to monitor the behavior of both fish closely and be prepared to separate them if necessary. However, with proper planning and care, mollies and bettas can live together peacefully in a 10-gallon tank.

What to do if your Betta fish chase Mollies?

If you are experiencing your Betta fish chasing your Mollies, it’s crucial to take immediate action to prevent potential harm to the Mollies. Here are some essential steps you can take to address the situation:

Check tank size: One of the most common reasons for Betta fish chasing Mollies is the tank size may be too small. Mollies are active swimmers and require space to swim freely, while male Bettas are territorial and require space to establish their territory. Consider upgrading to a larger tank to provide more space for both species.

Observe tank behavior: Keep an eye on the behavior of both fish in the tank. If the Betta is persistently chasing the Mollies, this could be a sign of aggression. Observe their behavior and determine if separating the fish is necessary for their safety.

Provide hiding places: Mollies are peaceful fish and require hiding places to feel safe in the tank. Provide hiding places such as plants or decorations to which the Mollies can retreat when being chased by the Betta.

Separate the fish: If the aggression continues, it may be necessary to separate the Betta and Mollies into different tanks to prevent the Betta from killing the Mollies.

Check water quality: Stress can also cause Betta fish to chase Mollies. Ensure that the water quality in the tank is optimal and that the pH level and temperature are within the appropriate range. Also, ensure the tank is appropriately cycled to prevent the buildup of harmful toxins in the water.

How Many Mollies Should You Keep With Your Betta?

When it comes to keeping Mollies with a Betta fish, there are several factors to consider before determining the number of Mollies you can keep:

Tank size: The size of your tank is critical when it comes to the number of fish you can keep. In a 10-gallon tank, holding no more than three or four Mollies and a Betta is recommended. However, you can keep more Mollies if you have a larger tank.

Male Mollies: Male Mollies tend to be more aggressive than females and may not be the best choice when keeping Mollies with a Betta. In contrast, female Mollies are generally more peaceful and can coexist comfortably with a Betta.

Mollies live together: Mollies are social fish and prefer to live in groups. Keeping at least three or four Mollies together can help reduce stress and aggression in the tank.

Mollies in your tank: Introducing new Ones to your tank should be done gradually to avoid stress and aggression. Adding too many Mollies at once can lead to issues. It’s recommended to add one or two Mollies at a time and closely monitor the behavior of all fish.

Can you keep different species of Betta fish with Molies?

When it comes to keeping different species of Betta fish with Mollies, it’s important to consider a few factors before making a decision. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Bettas live: Betta fish are known for their aggressive behavior and territorial nature. Keeping different species of Betta fish together can lead to fighting and even death. It’s generally not recommended to keep different types of Betta fish in the same tank, especially if they are male.

Mollies: Mollies are generally peaceful fish and can coexist with other species, including Betta fish. However, it’s important to note that Mollies can be disease-prone and may require specific water conditions to thrive. Make sure to research the specific needs of the species you plan to keep with your Mollies.

Mollies get along: Mollies are social fish and prefer to live in groups. Keeping multiple Mollies together can help reduce stress and aggression in the tank. Additionally, Mollies can get along with other peaceful species, such as guppies, platies, and tetras.

Can you keep different species of Molies with Betta fish

There are several important factors to consider when it comes to keeping different species of Mollies with Betta fish. Renowned aquarist Heiko Bleher suggests the following:

Mollies species: There are various types of Mollies, each with specific care requirements. Before adding them to your Betta tank, research the specific species to ensure compatibility with Betta fish and that they can thrive in the same tank conditions.

Mollies aggression: While generally peaceful, some Mollie’s species can be more aggressive than others. It’s crucial to choose peaceful Mollie’s species that are less likely to harass or bully your Betta fish.

Tank size: Tank size is a crucial factor to consider when adding Mollies to your Betta tank. A minimum of 10 gallons is recommended to provide enough space for multiple fish to coexist comfortably.

Gender ratio: When keeping Mollies with Betta fish, it’s essential to maintain a proper gender ratio to prevent aggression and breeding. A general guideline is to keep one male Molly with at least two female Mollies.

Water parameters: Mollies have specific water requirements, including a higher pH and salt content, that may differ from those of Betta fish. Make sure to research and maintain the ideal water conditions for all species in your tank.

What are the water condition required to keep betta fish and Molly fish?

Sure, maintaining the correct water conditions is essential for the health and well-being of Betta fish and Mollies. Here are the water parameters required to keep them healthy:

Betta fish water conditions: Betta fish require a specific temperature range of 76-82°F (24-28°C) and a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. Maintaining clean and well-filtered water is crucial, as Betta fish are sensitive to poor water quality. Betta fish should not be exposed to salt content.

Mollies’ water conditions: Mollies prefer a slightly alkaline pH level of 7.5-8.5 and a temperature range of 72-78°F (22-26°C). They also require a moderate to high level of hardness in their water and some salt content. Mollies may not thrive in water with low salt content.

Water changes: Betta fish and Mollies require frequent changes to maintain optimal water quality. Betta fish need a 25-30% water change once a week, while Mollies need a 10-20% water change twice a week.

Compatibility: While Betta fish and Mollies can coexist in the same tank, ensuring their specific water requirements are being met is essential. Adding salt to the water for Mollies may not be suitable for Betta fish.

In summary, Betta fish require a pH level between 6.0 and 7.5 and a temperature range of 76-82°F (24-28°C), while Mollies prefer a pH level of 7.5-8.5, a temperature range of 72-78°F (22-26°C), moderate to high hardness, and some salt content. 

How long can Betta fish and mollies go together?

Certainly! When keeping Betta fish and Mollies together, it’s important to consider several factors to ensure their compatibility and well-being. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Compatibility: Betta fish and Mollies can coexist in the same tank, but it’s important to choose peaceful Mollie species that are less likely to harass or bully your Betta fish. It’s also crucial to monitor their behavior and make sure that they are getting along.
Tank size: A minimum of 10 gallons is recommended to provide enough space for multiple fish to coexist comfortably.

Gender ratio: Maintaining a proper gender ratio is crucial when keeping Mollies with Betta fish to prevent aggression and breeding. A good rule of thumb is to keep one male Molly with at least two female Mollies.

Water conditions: Betta fish and Mollies have specific water requirements that must be maintained to ensure their health and well-being. Monitoring the water quality and performing regular water changes is essential to prevent the buildup of harmful toxins.

It’s also important to note that Betta fish have a reputation for being territorial, and some individuals may not tolerate the presence of other fish in their tank. In such cases, keeping them in a separate tank is best.

Mike DaVinci

Mike DaVinci

Senior Editor of

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